Monday 12 November 2012

Indirect Tweets


like most people these days, i have a personal twitter account...

Twitter is pointless. Unless your famous.

The great thing i find about twitter is that it is a place where you can write whatever you want without out any negative social reaction....its like a more live facebook. I use Twitter as a methode to rant and calm down, to vent frustration, to make jokes or too give my opinion.....i also use it to express joy or to inform friends of news ect...

But Twitter has been plagued by several social tendancies, such as 'Team follow back'....what the fuck is the point in having 10,000 followers you dont know? they are only following you in order to have the same reciprocated to them.....they dont like you? they dont care what ever bollocks you have to say?!
Another problem is one that i have just experienced....the INDIRECT TWEET.

This is when someone tweets about you but doesn not '@' you or mention you.......this is the most frustration thing in the world, as i am naturally a confrontational person i dont see why someone cant just say something to my face, or even on private message? The reason that this is so anoying is because you are 99% sure that this person is talking about you, however you can t be sure.....and if you confront them then you face embaressment, after all why would they tweet about you if they were later going to admit to it?

dear all who read this, dont indirectaly tweet people.....message them, call them or fucking text them. grow some balls.

Tune of the Week

This blog will feature just about anything i can find to talk about.
Some of the posts will be more thought out then others, and most will feature alot of strong fucking language.

I always find myself becoming very obssesed with one particular song every week, and this week is the same.

The song ive giving the beans this week is 'Misha B - Do you think of me'....more specifically the Benny Page lies, when this ong comes on the Radio, i cant sit still.

There is a clever link so you can see what im talking about...

Im going to try and post regular so it would be great to have a subscription however my post will not interest averyone, so i cant promise everything will be worth reading in your opinion.